Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My parakeets beek grows excessively?

Ive had my parakeet for about 7 years. He is very healthy and lively and very loud haha. But when he was about 5 his beek got long for having him such a long time. And ever since i got it cut the first time it grows back veryyy long very fast. Is there anyway to make it less long besides cutting it once a month. Its traumatizing for the poor thing. And i got him the beek trimmers to use himself but it doesnt help. And i was told to put bird gravel in his food but that didnt work either. Wut do i do??|||Chew toys!!! Wood, things for him to basically gnaw at and wear his beak down|||Does he have a cuttle fish and a calcium perch in his cage? These will both help keep his beak in shape.|||An overgrown beak can be an indicator for an underlying problem, such as liver disease. I have an elderly cockatiel who suffers from this, and now that he is on medication and a special diet to support his liver, his beak does not overgrow to anything like the same extent.

If I were you, I would take your bird to an AVIAN (bird-qualified) vet and have him properly checked out. A general vet is no good at all, they cannot perform the diagnostic testing required to get to the bottom of birds' health problems.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page to select your state and find a recommended avian vet near you: http://www.toolady.com/vetrefer/vetrefer鈥?/a>

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