Friday, November 18, 2011

Two of my parakeets have a brown spot on their beek!?

ok i have 4 parakeets and two of them have like this kind of some brown spot on top of their beak. They were normal a couple of weeks ago and i noticed this spot like a week ago but i didnt kno what it was. my other two parakeets are nice and healthy. the ones that have the brown spots do not look sick. but the weird thing is that 1 of the birds that has this brown spot at first the thing on top of its beak was blue and now it brown like a female. Another thing is that the other parakeet thats sick also has like purple spots on its beak and on top of it beak. i dont if this one is like this b/c its wings are short and every time it tries to fly it cant and lands very hard on the floor. so if any1 can help plz help. SORRY FOR IT BEING SO LONG|||Parakeet ceres change colors as they age. You might be seeing the color change that is typically normal for a parakeet. AS for the one that "Lands very hard on the floor", this means that it's wings are not clipped properly. You might want to stop putting the bird in places where it will want to fly. If it is flying when you take the bird out of the cage, then use more caution so that it cannot just drop to the floor. This can cause some serious damage to the poor little thing.

The sick parakeet, you should separate from the healthy guys so that the other birds do not get sick.|||it could just be a color thing not an illness|||Your Parakeets are fine.....Your Parakeets Were Young.....Then When Your Parakeets Reach The Age Of 6-8months The Cere Will Change Colors......... * Females - White/light-blue, tan, or brown cere. This is true for all varieties. With the development of brown color is a flaky texture. This can build up to be about a centimeter thick.

* Males -

o Blue or purplish-blue cere in normal varieties only.

o Bright violet or pink (does not change after youth) occurs in the following varieties: recessive pied, lutino/albino, dark-eyed clear, lacewing, and fallow

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